Ben Holliday

My principles for simplicity

What simplicity means to me… both why it’s important, and why it’s hard to achieve. There are no shortcuts.

Simplicity is an approach to working with complexity…

…it is bringing the structure needed to the work.

…it is taking the time to understand the policy.

…it is finding places to start.

…it is finding small steps, in and around the work, to make progress.

…it is stopping to listen.

…it is being open and adaptable to challenge.

…it is about finding and working with patterns.

…it is building on the strength of relationships.

…it is the ability we have to collaborate, bringing people into the work.

…it is the ability we have to keep going.

None of these principles are easy, but all of them are achievable. What do you think? Is anything missing here? There are always trade-offs in simplicity, but I think the most effective policy and service design work understands these principles.

This is my blog where I’ve been writing for 20 years. You can follow all of my posts by subscribing to this RSS feed. You can also find me on Bluesky and LinkedIn.