The end of digital?
The importance of digital, part 2

Back when I was a design student I discovered David Carson’s book The End of Print.
This book inspired a long term obsession with good design and the necessity of breaking rules.
Digital as a conversation
In reality, Carson’s book started a new conversation rather than marking the end of print as an idea or medium. It became a moment where creativity in graphic design increased, changing perceptions and inspiring a new generation of designers.
I feel the same way about digital.
The voices arguing for the end of digital (see my previous blog post) remind me that conversation is a catalyst.
In digital, we have the tools we need to design 21st century services, but still need to question our values along with the scale of our creativity and ambition.
There needs to be a bigger conversation about the impact of technology in our lives, and that conversation will happen with technology as part of our lives. This is just the start of the digital conversation.
Carson did this with print. We’re now waiting for the same to happen with digital. A moment that demands a different type of response from new generation of designers.
The world is digital and our response to it needs to be the same.
Let’s keep the conversation going.
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